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Company Registration Pakistan: 5 Steps And Tips That Will Help You Register Your Business in Pakistan

Company Registration Pakistan
Company Registration Pakistan

There are multiple reasons to invest in Pakistan. The rapidly expanding economy’s main benefits are low inflation and, of course, low competition. In this blog post, we will focus on the various legal bodies accessible to foreign investors. Here, we also work on the development guide for company registration Pakistan.

The data we have shared here may change depending on the facts and the laws in Pakistan. So, do not worry; we will update the articles.

Pakistan Welcomes Foreign Investors.

So, unlike other sectors, Pakistan is open to many foreign investors. Why is that so? Because of negative impacts, the country has opened its gates to international investors over the last few years.

For example, one can import dome things without obtaining an import license.

However, foreign investors can set up around 100% foreign-owned firms in most trade lines. The shareholders might be of any nationality but Israeli citizens.

Minimum Capital Need in Pakistan

There are two kinds of Pakistan’s capital.

  • Paid-up capitals
  • Authorize capitals

So, when one goes for company registration Pakistan, both capitals must be declared in the Articles of Association.

So, the paid-up capital is the amount firms get from their shareholders. On the other hand, shareholder capital is a share of the amount the firm can issue to its shareholders.

Hence, there is no minimum clinical need for any private medicine firm in Pakistan. So the familiar figure is about PKR 100,000, or US$823, as the lowest capital.

Many foreign investors play a notable role in investing in Pakistan. So the following are the legal entities of Pakistan.

  • private limited firm
  • single-member firm
  • public limited firm

Company Registration Pakistan

The following is a step-by-step guide to registering a company in Pakistan. Let us have a look at it.

1.    Approval of Firm Name

It is the first step of firm registration in Pakistan. You need to pick the name of the firm. It is vital to pick a name that sets you apart from others in the sector. But there are some guidelines that one needs to follow. Luke, please ensure your family does not contain any prohibited words.

2.    Documents Submission

The next step is document submission. Once you get approval for the name of the first, you need to submit the documents to the

Once the company name gets approval, you must submit the documents to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).

3.    Certificate of Incorporation

Once SECP evaluates the documents and checks their validity, they will validate the digital signature. The National Institute for Facilitation Technology granted that signature. One can do it via SECP.

4.    Share Deposit

After the company registration Pakistan, the shareholder must deposit the share amount to the firm’s bank account.

5.    Registration of Professional, Income, and Sales Tax

So, here comes the last step in the company registration Pakistan process. Now firm owners must register their firm with the FBR and receive the NTN number.

Do You Need Help?

Are you confused about these stops? If yes, consult Amy Consulting today for all types of collaborative advice and marketing services.

PPC Marketing: The Top 4 Types of Pay-Per-Click Ads for Your Business

ppc marketing

Would you like to know about the PPC? What are the types of it? PPC branding is a beneficial paid search model. Businesses and digital marketers use it to build brand awareness, promote offerings, and attract specific audiences. Promoters only pay each time a user clicks on their ads, making it a cost-effective way for firms to generate quick traction. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss what PPC is, how it works, and the various types of PPC. Now let us jump into the details.

All About PPC Marketing

Here is a brief data about it that will help you understand the various types of PPC branding. 

PPC branding is a paid search model that permits marketers to place ads on online platforms like Google and social media sites. So, these ads will appear when users search for certain keywords or browse specific sites. What is so? It provides firms with high visibility to their target market. 

Do you know that it is the best means of branding for marketers? Marketers pay when users click on their ads, making PPC an appealing option for firms seeking a cost-effective method to generate top-quality leads.

 Top 4 Types of PPC Ads

So the following are the top 4 kinds of PPC marketing. Indeed, there are many, but the top five are as below.

  • Search Ads

So, it is the first type on the list. Search advertising is the most common form of paid search branding. Search ads appear to people looking for a specific item or service online. So, these ads are ideal for firms looking to acquire top-quality leads from new clients with short sales cycles or one-time drive promotions.

  • Display Ads (PPC Marketing)

Display ads are effective in reaching about 90% of online users. Display ads appear on Google’s partner sites and target people who have visited sector-related sites.

Display branding maximizes images and text to grab users’ attention and convince them to act. These ads fit brands with lengthy sales cycles and luxury buyers or niches.

  • Social Ads 

The third on the list is Social media branding. It is the fastest-growing mean of PPC branding. Social ads appear on social media platforms like the following:

  1. Facebook
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Twitter

Hence, it reaches targets based on their interests, hobbies, and networks. These ads are ideal for brands with an active social media presence and highly-targeted clients.

  • Remarketing Ads (PPC Marketing)

Have you heard about the remarketing ads? If not, you must include the most vital type of pay-per-click branding. Remarketing is an effective way to reach high-converting clients and double your sales.

Remarketing ads remind individuals who have already visited your site to return and make them convert. So, these ads are helpful because users are already familiar with the brand and are more viable to convert.

Would you like to know more about pay-per-click branding? If yes, book your consultation with AMY Consulting’s digital marketing team today.

Business Consulting: Is it Beneficial For You? Top 3 Reasons To Find Out.

business consulting

The online business trend is getting stronger in Pakistan. It is because of the digital platform and awareness. But only some of the newcomers make their way to the buyers. There are many things that one should consider when starting a new label. But what to do and what not to do l For this, the business operations firms are there to help them.

In this blog post, we discussed various aspects of consulting firms. Are they beneficial for you or a waste of time and money?

Business Consulting and the Need For an Hour

We have already absorbed half of 2023. For business owners, it is the final push to the end of the year. Hence, it is time to make some creative mottos for 2024. So are you planning to start the business in 2023–2024? If so, then move forward. Is there some issue that you want to solve and plan some strategies for? Indeed, your business has many blind spots that need your focus.

The issues are not only linked to branding, sales, and customer care; there are many other matters, like taxation. You can get solutions to all of your issues.

 If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you could probably benefit from business consulting services.

What IS Business Consultancy Services?

Consultancy business is a term that covers various things. The business consultants may be highly knowledgeable regarding the specific sector of the firm. They also provide a notable range of services to the client.

So, let us learn from the examples. If you need help with finance or a capital-raising business plan, they are here to help you out.

So, the real value of business consultants is that they can offer help and guidance to help you make the right decisions for the firm. Besides this, there are also multiple benefits of business consulting.

Pros Of Consulting Services

The following are the pros of business advisory firms. So let us have a look at them.

Save valuable time.

Running a thriving business needs hard work, insight, and a lot of effort and time. Hiring a firm consultant can assist in reducing the load and free up time to focus on other vital issues.

Offer The Outsider’s Perspective

We know it is essential to understand what is good for the business and what is not. We advise you to consider the value of good business consulting firms. So we recommend you to look for an advisory firm that looks at your firm from the first eye and gives you the right decision about the brand.

Fill in Gaps in The Knowledge

 Every business person has weaknesses and strengths. Do you need help with the precise area of the firm? If so, it is best to look for business consulting firms with expertise in that subject to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

Which Firm To Choose

There are many digital marketing firms, but you cannot trust them. Multiple things must be understood in the niche and experienced in the particular field.

If you have any queries regarding your business and face any taxation issues, consult Amy Consulting. Here, we offer not only electronic advertising but also digital marketing

FBR Tax Collection Made Easy: Tending News Banks to Remain Open on 29 and 30 April 2023 for Tax Payment

fbr tax collection

FBR Tax Collection is a vital revenue source for Pakistan’s government. Why is that so? it is because it supports various public welfare s and projects. To ease the payment of state duties and taxes, the Federal Board of Revenue has revealed that all trusted bank branches will remain open on April 29th and 30th, 2023.

The bank fall under this is the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) branches and field offices of SBP Banking Services Corporation (SBP-BSC). These branches will also observe prolonged working hours till 6:00 p.m. to offer more time for taxpayers to submit their taxes via ADC’s Over-the-Counter (OTC) facility.

They made this decision in response to the Federal Board of Revenue’s request to boost revenue to meet earnings targets. This blog post will offer an overview of the recent news about taxes, the bank timings during the weekend, and the reasons behind extending the date.

Reason For Opening Banks on the Weekend For FBR Tax Collection 

The authorized bank branches will remain open April 29th and 30th. So, all the branches of trusted banks will observe prolonged working hours till 6:00 p.m. 

Under this, the following banks fall:

  • National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) branches 
  • field offices of SBP Banking Services Corporation (SBP-BSC)

They decided to open the bank to help the taxpayer pay a visit on the weekends during regular working time. For them, an Over-the-Counter (OTC) facility will also be available during these extended hours. Hence it offers a suitable option for taxpayers to submit their taxes.

Same- Day clearing

Also, to ensure the same-day clearing and settlement of payments deposited at NBP’s official branches for customs FBR tax collection will remain open. The NIFT will arrange clearings at 1:00 p.m. on April 29th and 6:00 p.m. on April 30th. 

What is the aim?

These measures seek to make it more handy and suitable for taxpayers while offering the state maximum participation and payment fbr tax collection.


In conclusion, the decision to keep assigned bank branches open on April 29th and 30th. Also, extending the date is a positive step toward improving revenue. The best part is that it will ease the burden on taxpayers. 

By offering timely and accessible choices for the fbr tax collection, the state is encouraging more people to partake in the system. By this, they will contribute to the growth of the country. It is vital to note that taxes are a crucial source of revenue for any government. Hence, every citizen must fulfill their duty by paying their due share of taxes. 

Therefore, it is admirable that the Federal Board of Revenue and the state are taking steps to make it more straightforward and more efficient for taxpayers. Hopefully, these measures will lead to higher revenue, which can be used to grow the country and its people.

Learn More

If you want to learn more about this type of news, follow AMY Consulting’s social media handles. For any help in taxation, feel free to consult us.

Best Digital Marketing Agency: 5 Tips and Tricks Look Before Choosing 

digital marketing agency

Pick the right digital marketing agency for your business in this blog post, and we have discussed the point of the best online marketing firm.

It is the digital era and a must to make you perceive online. So, more is needed to look for a marketing firm; you must also define your objectives and goals, conduct detailed research, and select a firm that understands your industry.

Now let us move forward and have a close look at the top things to consider before picking any online branding firm for your work.

 Digital Marketing Agency

So most of you have yet to develop ideas about digital branding firms and how they work. It is the combination of the new mean by utilizing various branding plans, focusing primarily on the following: 

Social media marketing

  • SEO
  • Digital plan
  • Content marketing.

Here, digital marketing agencies help the business create its brand.

The most important feature of this type of branding is to generate viable results through campaigns and plans and, as a result, bring the brand’s online presence to the highest level.

So, choosing the right digital marketing strategy is a challenging task. Even if numerous marketing firms are competent in their work, you must select a company that meets your needs and is knowledgeable about your industry.

Pick The Right Digital Marketers

Numerous firms offer digital marketing services to their clients. But there are various points you need to look at when picking the right fit for your work.

Any online branding firm needs to learn and research the item and the mindset of the firm they are working with.

We have mentioned a few main points to maintain in mind before hiring the right agency:

  • Define your objective and goals. 
  • Do the research!
  • Make sure the selected agency knows your firm’s values and items
  • The agency or agent is up-to-date
  • Ask for the fields of profession, references, and portfolio.

Define The Goal

Here comes the most vital point before hiring a digital marketing agency: You ought to decide on the demands of the brands. Finding what you like to get means that your business can express itself clearly and produce fruitful results.

Also, finding the internal need will support your firm in filtering the right name for the online branding. Indeed, budget is vital, but you need to be clear about why you are hiring the specific firm for branding.

Conduct Vital Research

Indeed, many firms offer marketing digital services. But the issue is, can all the firms offer all the services you need for your brand? Hence, it makes it a little trickier to pick the right one.

While researching various digital marketing strategies, you want to be sure you have picked the right one for your goals and expectations.

If you do a little research, you can save money and time in the long run. So, now you can know which is best for your work.

Ask For a Portfolio

So, how can you trust any random name? You must request a portfolio of their current work and jobs, offering solid proof of the firm’s capabilities. If the firm hesitates to share works and projects with you, it is a BIG NO.

The most critical point when it comes to picking the right firm is that they offer:

  • Suitable plan
  • a particular strategy
  • focused results you are focusing on.

Make Sure the Agency  Is Updated

There is one thing you need to remember: the digital era will never change. It may expand and grow, but there is no stopping it. So as digital marketers, they need to adopt the current mindset. Today’s trends may become obsolete tomorrow.

Hence it is vital for the firm to have a long-term plan, and always follows the latest mean for branding. They must have an idea about their favorite topic and tending branding methods.

No one knows everything.

Here is the red flag: the firm that says “we know everything” says no to them. It is only possible for the firm to produce outstanding outcomes in some sectors. Rather than working with a general accounting firm, working with one with experience in a specific sector is best. Why is that so? 

It is because the sector-oriented marketing industry will play an essential role in the brand’s growth and will assist your business in authenticity and finance.

AMY Consulting The Digital Marketing Agency

Are you looking for a firm that offers great outcomes? If yes, then AMY Consulting is here to help you with it. We have several years of experience in this digital branding sector. 

What makes us best among the others is our updated technology for braiding. We covered all the marketing services, like:


Do you have any queries? Feel free to contact us at:

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