Online Business Ideas In Pakistan: Top 8 Beneficial Ideas 

online business ideas

It is 2023, and most of you are looking forward to starting your profitable online business ideas because of economic issues in Pakistan. But before picking a niche, we advise you to read this blog. As it is the digital era, one of your business ideas is best suited for freelancers and startups. Here it is not only IT-related experts and freelancers who are having advantages from online business ideas but also services and items providers that have notable choices to grow their business.

Let us dive into the list of options we have for you. 

More About Online Business

Remember, an online business is a place where all the work is done over the Internet. Here, one person who is doing online work might also be selling and buying things online and offering online services.


Online Business Ideas

Here is the list of the top online business ideas for yoy you. Let us have a look at them.

  1. Dropshipping Business
  2. Sell your skill online
  3. Freelance writer, designer, or developer
  4. Online Courses
  5. Publishing an online book
  6. Blogging Skills
  7. Working as Virtual Assistant
  8. Develop Apps and Websites

1.    Dropshipping

Most of you must have heard the term “drop shipping.” But what is dropshipping? In this service, we do not require a big warehouse. So we never need liquid cash or money to buy inventory. When a person buys something, he places the order with a 3rd party, and the drop shipper handles the rest of the work for you.

The best part is that there is no need to handle things like:

  • Mailing packages
  • Tracking inventory.

It means drop shipping will end up with a lot of pros for entrepreneurs.

2.    Sell Skill Online

Do you have any skills? If yes, then sell it online. The following skills have a large scope:

  • Website design
  • social media manager
  • Apps Making
  • Graphic designs
  • More.

You can sell your library on various platforms, like the following:

  • Social media platforms
  • Apps
  • Website

These are the mediums on which you have exposure and earn a good amount.

The good news is that there is no need to arrange office space or staff for imparting the skills.

3.    Freelance Developer, Writer or Designer 

The next business idea online is to get a job and offer your work to a software firm or to any web developer. Otherwise, one can also offer its services as a freelancer globally.

You might be the designer, writer, or developer; you may require an internet connection and PC. It means there is no need t spend a single penny to work on various digital platforms like Upwork, Fiver, and more.

  • Online Courses

Are you an expert in any niche or field? If yes, then it’s time to help others. A skilled person can arrange online classes and earn from them.

Instructing society is a noble thing to do, and you have the power to do so with the knowledge and the right approach.

What do you need to do about this? For this, you have to make your website or sell services on an already-accessible online platform for online courses.

5.    Publishing e-book

It is the digital era to go for the print medium only when you can form digital platforms. It is the time when writers can publish their books, also on online platforms like Amazon digital Publishing.

Also, place the books only on the book site when you sell online. There are platforms like Amazon where you can sell books. The buyers place the order directly and get the book.

6.    Blogging Skills

Do you have skills in writing? If yes, then blogging is the right field for you. For this, you need a site and the hosting where the portal stores the data. Here is the name of the best hosting medium:


These hosting offers are registering domains. For a nominal annual fee, one can write a blog and publish it.

Other than content writing, you may need some website ad tech and SEO skills. WordPress is the favorite platform for site management and creation.

7.    Virtual Assistant

If you have the virtual assistant skill, then you can work as a VA. What is a virtual assistant? Is a person who is an independent contractor. So, he offers managerial services to the client.

The best thing is the VA can work both from home and the office but has the option to access vital documents.

8.    Develop Websites and Apps 

App development has a broad scope in online work. If you know how to create a website or an app, you are the CEO of your own business. By doing so, you can offer your work to your sites, social media handles, and blogs. There are many freelance handles available where you can get the client for website development.

Business Consultation at AMY Consulting

Would you like some advice before you start your business? If yes, then consult AMY Consulting for any business-related consultation, whether it is about taxation or marketing.

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